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At SA S.T.E.A.M. Academy we understand the importance of practicing healthy and active behaviors. We stress eating foods that produce nutrients that your body needs to reach it’s maximum potential. Our students are involved in vigorous physical activity daily to promote strong muscular and cardiac systems. Throughout the year we offer programs to promote our health initiatives by involving parents, students and the community.

Fitnessgram – Every month students physical and health levels are assessed. The data is used to assess the physical education program. The fitness gram is used to identify students in the need’s improvement health zone. These students are invited to participate in the U2Fit Kidz health program. The objective of the U2Fit Kidz program is to increase the awareness around childhood obesity, partner with the parents to educate and promote healthy lifestyles at home and to prevent chronic outcome of unhealthy/active habits

Captain’s Garden – Our garden is situated in the atrium greenspace of our school. We feel that students that grow veggie will eat veggies. We use the garden as a hands-on teaching tool while engaging students in being active and eating healthy. The garden is integrated into Physical Education and the U2Fit Kidz program.

U2Fit Kidz Program – Childhood obesity is addressed through play and partnering with parents. In completing this program students will learn the importance of maintaining healthy eating patterns, participate in physical activity through play, build self esteem through group activity, gain and understanding of how the body functions, learn the positive and negative effects of food consumption and how to grow their own food.

Wellness Festival – Our annual health event to increase awareness around health disparities in underserved communities and to promote active healthy lifestyles. The event is jam packed with entertainment, fitness & nutrition classes, health resources, preventive testing, local small business vendors, healthy food trucks, sports clinics and plenty of activities for the kids.

Health Free Zone – One week out of every month, the entire school goes free of processed foods, candy, sugar and caffeinated drinks. Consumption of whole grains, fruits, vegetables and water is encouraged. Students and parents receive healthy meal ideas and alternative eating patterns to todays western diet. The goal of the program is to educate students & parents on healthy foods and promote healthy eating patterns.

Complete the online training. Volunteers should call the school and check to make sure they have been cleared before coming to volunteer. Volunteers fall under the same guidelines as school visitors and must follow sign-in procedures.

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