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All parents are invited to volunteer in our school! Volunteers at our school must have volunteer training and have a current police clearance before they are allowed to chaperone field trips or to volunteer in the school in any capacity. Clearances are valid for one year and must be re-submitted once they have expired. All volunteer training is done online. For volunteer training click the button below. 

Complete the online training. Volunteers should call the school and check to make sure they have been cleared before coming to volunteer. Volunteers fall under the same guidelines as school visitors and must follow sign-in procedures.


In order to provide a safe and secure environment for all of our students and staff, all visitors, parents, and volunteers are required to follow the guidelines.

Complete the online training. Volunteers should call the school and check to make sure they have been cleared before coming to volunteer. Volunteers fall under the same guidelines as school visitors and must follow sign-in procedures.

  • Each time a visitor comes on campus, (s)he must sign in at the office, present a photo ID, and get a pass that will identify him/her as a visitor. Visitors not wearing an appropriate sticker will be escorted to the office.
  • Visitors must dress appropriately when visiting the campus for any function.
  • Visitors may not enter the school through side or back doors.
  • Parents/visitors are not allowed on the playground during recess time.

Visits to classrooms during instructional time are permitted only with the approval of the principal/designee and teacher. The duration or frequency of visits must not interfere with the delivery of instruction or disrupt the normal school environment. Visits to other areas are also subject to approval by the principal/designee, and visitors are required to report to the main office to sign in and receive authorization prior to entering these areas. At the conclusion of the visit, visitors must return to the main office and sign out.

To sign up as a volunteers, you must complete the steps below:

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